Get to Know Banaue

Banaue, a picturesque town in the Philippines’ Ifugao province, is renowned for its stunning rice terraces, which are considered engineering marvels and a testament to the ingenuity of the Ifugao people.

Make sure to visit this place if you seek an experience that combines natural beauty with cultural depth.

Getting from Manila to Banaue

Traveling to Banaue by night bus is a comfortable and efficient option. Passengers can select between a standard or a premium bus, the latter featuring a comfort room. Both types of buses boast ample legroom, enhancing the travel experience. Given the journey’s duration of approximately 10-11 hours, it’s advisable to bring along items that ensure comfort throughout the trip.

Must-Visit Sites in Banaue 

Banaue is widely celebrated for its breathtaking rice terraces, as well as its rich culture and history. From the Banaue Rice Terraces to the enchanting Batad and Bangaan terraces, Banaue offers a fusion of natural splendor and cultural richness. Here are some must visit sites:

Banaue Rice Terraces

Often referred to as the “Eighth Wonder of the World,” the Banaue Rice Terraces are the most famous and are easily accessible from the town of Banaue. These terraces are known for their stunning and expansive landscapes.

These terraces display the Ifugaos’ remarkable agricultural expertise, and also symbolize their enduring legacy. For travelers, a visit to these terraces is an enchanting and unique experience.

Batad Rice Terraces

Located near Barangay Batad in Banaue, the Batad Rice Terraces resemble  an amphitheater shaped by both nature and human creativity. These terraces have earned recognition as a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to their cultural and historical importance. Batad, a community of approximately 1,500 individuals, is home to some of the most impeccably preserved rice terraces. What sets these paddies apart is their sturdy stone walls showcasing the ingenuity of their creators and resulting in durable structures compared to those constructed using traditional mud walls. This tranquil village provides an escape from the demands of life, and offers a glimpse into a harmonious existence intertwined with nature.

Tappiya Waterfalls

Tappiya Waterfalls, a treasure tucked away near the rice fields of Batad, offers a refreshing escape for those exploring the area. Located 2 hours from the heart of Batad this magnificent waterfall is an adventure in itself. The path to Tappiya takes you on a hike through trails, where the vibrant green hues of the rice terraces seamlessly blend with the captivating beauty of the surrounding forest.

This destination not only offers natural wonders but also promises cultural enrichment. Along your journey you may encounter villagers engaged in their routines offering glimpses into rural life that harmoniously coexists with nature. The trek, to Tappiya Waterfalls goes beyond being merely physical; it immerses you into a world where you can connect with nature and witness both the timeless allure of Batads landscapes and its cultivated marvels.

Bangaan Village

Bangaan is located 2 kilometers away from the junction road that leads to Batad. As you drive you’ll be captivated by the view of Bangaans terraces. If you look at them from an angle, these terraces form an amphitheater-like shape that resembles a traditional jar, hence the name. Compared to other rice terraces, Bangaan is relatively smaller standing at around 900 meters in height. This makes it quite easy to climb within 20 to 30 minutes. Once you reach the village you’ll be warmly welcomed by souvenir stalls offering an array of jewelry intricately carved items, handwoven baskets and various handicrafts.

Local Culture and Cuisine 

When traveling to Banaue, you step into a world filled with culture and delicious food. The local cuisine here is a treasure trove of flavors offering tempting dishes. One of them is the Pinikipan, a chicken dish that showcases the artistry of the region. Make sure not to miss out on trying the Pinikipan Rice and Kiltepan Rice both infused with herbs and spices that create a blend of tastes. And then there’s Moma, which is beloved by locals – it’s a mix of tobacco, leaves, nuts and lime powder that offers a flavor experience.

But Banaue’s allure extends beyond its cuisine; it also resides in its people. Engaging with the locals is a part of your travel experience here. As you wander through the village you’ll encounter faces who have captivating stories to share about life in this corner of the world. These interactions go beyond conversations; they serve as bridges, to understanding. Appreciating a way of life deeply intertwined with the land and its traditions.

One such tradition is ‘Mumbayu’ also known as traditional rice pounding – an activity that carries both rhythm and community spirit.
Being part of Mumbayu goes beyond learning how to pound rice; it’s an opportunity to fully immerse yourself in a tradition that has been passed down through generations. It’s a hands on experience that brings you closer, to the essence of Banaue allowing you to truly sense its heritage.

What to Bring

Be prepared for both sunny and colder weather. The weather can change unexpectedly, so it’s best to stay prepared for varying temperatures. In terms of sun protection, bring sunscreen and a hat, but also a jacket for when the temperatures drop.

Keep in mind, the trip to Banaue involves trekking, so some level of physical preparation is necessary.

If you plan to explore the Tappiya Falls, be sure to bring a waterproof bag or pouch to protect your gadgets and valuables from the waterfalls.

The area has no accessible banks or ATMs, and you will mostly pay with cash, so bring some cash with you.

Traveling light is always wise, especially during a multi-day tour. Pack only the essentials to move freely and comfortably throughout your journey.

In conclusion, when traveling to the Philippines, don’t miss the unique experience of visiting Banaue. Banaue is only 2 hours away from Sagada, so we recommend that you check out the Sagada and Banaue Rice Terraces 4-Day Tour for a full and hassle-free trip to the region.

Source: Abrahamtours
Image Source: Abrahamtours